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AOC blames Cuban suffering on US ‘contributions,’ parroting Black Lives Matter

AOC, the self proclaimed Democratic socialist sides with Black Lives Matter and blames the US Embargo for Cuba’s problems. The people of Cuba are tired of the regime using the US embargo as an excuse for its own failures. The dictatorship needs to end.


Rep. Nicole Malliotakis rips AOC as a ‘communist sympathizer’ after Cuba remarks

AOC blames the US embargo on the Cuban protests instead of acknowledging the failures of a socialist, communist dictatorship.

Fact check: US embargo doesn’t prevent Cuba from trading with other countries

The Cubans are fighting for their freedom, libertad. The embargo is not responsible for the cruel treatment by the regime. Doing business with the regime supports it and contributes to the repression of the Cuban people.

Fighting for Freedom in Cuba

People are fighting and dying for freedom in Cuba while Bernie, AOC and parts of the Democrat party in the US are fighting to end it in the US. Socialism’s body count is in the hundreds of millions and it is incompatible with liberty, resist the insanity here. Fight for liberty. Remember that socialism’s […]