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The EU issued a statement calling on Cuban authorities to respect human rights. This includes releasing arbitrarily detained protesters and allowing freedom of expression and freedom of the press. More than 700 Cuban protesters have been detained and yet the Cuban Foreign Minister continues to blame the US embargo for the problems in Cuba. […]
When is the left going to stop pretending that Cuba is a socialist paradise with free education and free healthcare? The country is in a shambles and the citizens have had enough of the Castro lies and propaganda. Stop blaming the US embargo and take a hard look at the failed socialist, communist policies […]
Does Biden really support the Cuban people seeking liberty? Or is this political opportunism? Biden promised while campaigning that he would rollback sanctions against Cuba. This would only help enrich the totalitarian regime that controls everything on the island. In the past Democratic presidents have not been as forceful with Cuba. The more progressive […]
The self proclaimed democratic socialist, Bernie Sanders, praised Castro’s socialist programs. Specifically mentioning the literacy program. The program isolated Cuban’s from reality and indoctrinated them with communist propaganda. Just like AOC, Bernie failed to mention the oppressive human rights violations against the Cuban citizens. Cubans are protesting for liberty, freedom and an end to […]
Democrats are divided on how they want to respond regarding Cuba’s protests. In part because many of the the more progressive Democrats, like AOC, agree with Cuba’s failed socialist policies. These socialist, communist policies have led to unimaginable suffering and death for Cubans who are not part of the ruling class. Socialism has a […]
The Cuban dictatorship is using violence as a tool of suppression. They are beating and murdering protesters of all colors, including blacks. Black Lives Matter would rather blame the US, praise the regime and not mention the human rights violations.
AOC, the self proclaimed Democratic socialist sides with Black Lives Matter and blames the US Embargo for Cuba’s problems. The people of Cuba are tired of the regime using the US embargo as an excuse for its own failures. The dictatorship needs to end.
AOC blames the US embargo on the Cuban protests instead of acknowledging the failures of a socialist, communist dictatorship.
The Cubans are fighting for their freedom, libertad. The embargo is not responsible for the cruel treatment by the regime. Doing business with the regime supports it and contributes to the repression of the Cuban people.