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The reason the statues should remain up is the same reason the Democrat Party wants them torn down: they are a constant reminder of what the Democrat party and the philosophy of the slave-owning Democrat party is capable of doing.
The philosophy of slavery is that you do not have the right to your […]
The woman in this article tells you the truth about life in Cuba. There is no freedom of expression. You are indoctrinated with communist propaganda, and controlled with violence. Anything you send to family or friends will be seized by the government. The lies about a socialist paradise by Castro led to communism, total […]
Three weeks after the July 11th protests in Cuba the Biden administration met with Cuban American activists to hear their opinions about the situation in Cuba. New sanctions were announced against Cuba’s national revolutionary police and its top two officials. The Police Nacional Revolcionaria and the agency’s director and deputy director, Oscar Callejas Valcarce […]
Cuba’s authoritarian regime has restricted access to the internet because they do not want the world to know about the atrocities being committed on the island. The socialist, communist regime wants to stifle dissent and disrupt communication. There is no freedom of expression allowed. Can the US help and will they?
The authoritarian Cuban government has responded to protesters with brutal repression. According to some human rights groups there have been over 700 people detained, without access to defense lawyers and no outside contact with their family or friends. The socialist, communist government continues to lie and label all the protesters as looters and vandals. […]
When is the left going to stop pretending that Cuba is a socialist paradise with free education and free healthcare? The country is in a shambles and the citizens have had enough of the Castro lies and propaganda. Stop blaming the US embargo and take a hard look at the failed socialist, communist policies […]
Does Biden really support the Cuban people seeking liberty? Or is this political opportunism? Biden promised while campaigning that he would rollback sanctions against Cuba. This would only help enrich the totalitarian regime that controls everything on the island. In the past Democratic presidents have not been as forceful with Cuba. The more progressive […]
Bernie Sanders is a Democratic Socialist and a communist supporter. He has yet to defend the Cuban people who have been oppressed by Castro’s authoritarian regime for 62 years. The Cuban people deserve to be heard. They deserve freedom and an end to a failed socialist and communist system of government.
Ben Rhodes attended Fidel Castro’s funeral in 2016 and has defended the communist regime’s detention of political prisoners. How can Rhodes be respected by journalists and regarded as a foreign policy expert? How can he defend an authoritarian who beat, tortured and murdered citizens because they dared to speak against the government?
A look at the definitions of totalitarianism, authoritarianism and fascism. Castro promised socialism and delivered communism. There have been more than 6 decades of oppression and the Cuban people deserve freedom.